How Credit Repair Freedom Works

Correct your credit rating with professional credit restoration services from Key Credit Repair Freedom. Whether a lending institution has turned you down or you’re planning on applying for financing, we’re here to help with effective credit repair freedom solutions.

We’re ready to work with you through each and every inaccuracy on your credit so banks and lenders can have an accurate picture of your credibility. Call us today to request a FREE CONSULTATION and begin fixing your credit score today!

Let’s review each line item of your credit profile to better understand the items you don’t agree with. Every credit situation is unique and attention to detail is the “key” to credit repair.

We’re Here To Help

Using our tried and tested technique of repair your credit, we can bring your rating back to where it should be. It takes time but it’s your right to receive an effective credit repair solution! We usually follow the following steps :

Sign Up

Complete our simple online enrollment form or call us at (833) 231-8004 and enroll via phone with one of our Credit Repair Consultants who can answer any questions which you may have.

Send Us your Credit Report

After enrolling, we ask that you forward a copy of your credit report to us via email. If you do not have a credit report or have trouble accessing one just let us know.

Credit Repair Process Begins

We work directly with all of your creditors and leverage your consumer rights to remove derogatory accounts from your credit reports.

Want To See How We Can Help?

Get a Free Consultation Now